Wednesday, October 13, 2010
picking dandelion leaves by flashlight after 9pm
Zoe says that Chestnut is really an alien spy sent to learn about human beings. The aliens are learning quite a lot.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
The Bunny Beach, by Rafaela Zeballos (Age 6)
So, I decided to make a bunny beach. We took an airplane to Washington D.C. and we talked to the President! And we said, "There needs to be more bunny beaches. There are too many dog beaches."
So, the President said, "OK. I will pass a law that a quarter of the dog beaches will become bunny beaches. And there shall be no dogs allowed on those bunny beaches. So the bunnies can be safe."
So, the President called up his architects and the architects took down the sign for the dog beaches and said they were bunny beaches! And, also, they made a sign that said:
No Dogs Allowed.
So, I brought my bunny over to the bunny beach. And there were a lot more bunnies! We had a lot of fun. I played in the waves and made sand castles while my mommy watched the bunny and played with her and shared spinach snacks with her.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
zero landfill plants
It's still not as bad as the plug for Saab, which says: "Saab: Move your mind.."
And I think, "....Because this car ain't going anywhere."
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Click to lie
Friday, September 17, 2010
Harvard-Dartmouth vs. Yale
As a grownup, I've often heard about the important Harvard-Yale game. Nothing about Harvard-Dartmouth.
Mr. Gordon attended Harvard in the early 1950's or late '40's. Is there something in sports history about Harvard vs Dartmouth in the 50's? 40's? 60's? that would explain his POV?
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
frog in the bathroom
Monday, July 19, 2010
Thursday, July 01, 2010
the bunny seems happier in the kitchen, now
I'm told she got caught under the 'fridge yesterday. But she obviously got out. I'm curious if she's sufficiently intelligent not to do that again.
She looks less like a tribble, more like an overgrown caterpillar. Then she'll hop out of caterpillar and be quite a rabbit again.
She's cute, doesn't mind being patted, and makes us laugh. Fulfilling a pet's function.
Last night, when I got home, there were PVC pipes leaning against the garage door. Rodrigo says he'll use them to construct an outdoor pen. Cheaper than pressure-treated wood, and safer if she chews on them. Goes his reasoning.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
the bunny wants to jaunte
She'll be quiet and still in one corner of the kitchen. I'll turn around and she's someplace else. I know she can jump onto the Rubbermaid storage box I had once thought would block her escape to the rest of the house. I haven't seen her jump up. I walk away, hear a thud, and there she is on top of the box with a helpless bunny "How did I get here? This place is interesting. I don't think I could ever get off" look to her. But, once, when I reached to pick her up, she jumped off the box, back onto the kitchen floor, without effort or harm.
I can't get over the impression that we have a small alien prisoner. She wants to teleport. She wants the power to turn invisible. Someone should write a story about hyperintelligent bunnies who can do these things. For now, she is dissatisfied with life. But where else should she go? To hide in the backyard until a hawk or fisher cat eats her? We will build a pen for her, an outside pen. We will. That may cheer her up.
She is so not a dog. At most she is like a cat in that she is aloof. She tolerates being picked up and patted. She will sometimes walk up to me and sniff at my sneaker. She is very curious. Sometimes. She is also content to lay about resting for long stretches of time.
She is cute and soft. I feel affection for her. This weekend, I was alone in the house with her, and noted that she did have the calming, cheering influence of a pet. The girls are thrilled with her. When they Skyped me, they asked me to get the bunny so they could see her. She huddled in a corner, not wanting to socialize, but I scooped her up anyway. Her life's purpose is to be cute for my children. You're on, Chestnut. Time for your closeup.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Meet Chestnut?

Someone bought all four of those fluffy white bunnies, but the bunny lady has another, younger bunny. Zoe and I like that this one has brown eyes, not pink. She's only 7 weeks old. The fluffy white ones were 12 weeks old. Somehow, we've already named her Chestnut, even though we're not sure if someone else will grab her first. We think she's awful cute.
RoRo says she looks like a tribble with feet.
Friday, June 11, 2010
bunny on the brain
Thursday, May 27, 2010
botany and prepositions
Literal truth just begging for symbolism.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
not a sequel, not a prequel, 1984.1?
Has anyone written a parralelquel about a guy who monitors the 2-way TV's in 1984? He probably works in a cubicle among many. His life is probably not too different from Winston Smith's. My guess is there are folks now with similar jobs in nursing homes or prisons.
They must have some rules as to what kind of activity to report. Probably lists of boring rules, with jargon. I bet there's official jargon, for reporting activity, and slang that the monitors use for joking about the people they're forced to watch all day and night long. I mean the 1984 folks, particularly, but I imagine it exists to some extent in real life.
I remember a high-tech day care center that would give parents a secure URL/Web address so they could watch their kid from their PC at work. It is a reassuring feature for guilty/worried/lonesome parents. But with some disturbing implications.
Monday, May 17, 2010
decent weekend
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Rafi's haircut
Second, I've wanted her to have a short hair cut for years because
- I thought it would look good because she always looked great with her hair tied back.
- Half the time she is off to school before anyone brushes her hair. By the time I see her Friday night at Aikido her hair is often a disaster.
Remembering the pain of that pixie cut, I did not use trickery. I used propaganda. I asked Natalie to cut my hair short first. Then I asked Rafi, "Do you want a short hair cut like Mommy?" Rafi said "Yes!" And her hair cut came out even better than I expected. I'm amazed at how cute she looks. She's pleased with herself. That's the best part.
I, alas, don't look as good with a pixie cut as I did when I was 6. No photos until it grows out.
Fourth: Propaganda may not have been needed. She had already taken a scissors to her own hair a few weeks earlier. She wanted her hair cut.
As to donations, yes I would like it if it went to a child who could use it. We'll measure it and send it off if it is 12". I am too much an animist to send my 6-year old daughter's precious talisman of a braid to wipe up nasty oil spills. My hair clippings, fine, but they've gone up Natalie's vacuum cleaner already.
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
on route 3 south this morning...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
milk and sugar with that?
- really great coffee is great black and wrecked by sugar.
- somewhat bad coffee is drinkable only with sugar
- really bad coffee is undrinkable
- some great but strong coffee, such as some espresso, is improved by milk
- some mediocre coffee is best with both milk and sugar
- turbinado is the best sugar for coffee
- sometimes turbinado adds flavor to bland tea, but white sugar is better in mate or mate with tea
Thursday, April 15, 2010
cheesecake is easy!
I mainly followed the Joy of Cooking recipe for "cheesecake cockaigne", though I left out the sour cream topping, and that was just fine with my husband, kids, and me.
The crust was supposed to be graham cracker, but I couldn't find any when we started this, so we ground up oat-flake-cluster cereal with corn flakes. (The kids had fun squishing the crumbs in the cereal bag, by rubbing a mug over it.) Then I noticed that the tub of cream cheese that I thought we needed to use up and thus the reason for the start of the project wasn't full at all--in fact we didn't have enough cream cheese, so we shelved the crumbs until I had purchased more cream cheese and actual graham crackers.
So the crust was about 2/3 ground up cereal flakes and 4 graham crackers--to make 2 cups of crumbs.
I mixed it with just enough slices of softened butter in a glass pie plate until I could smoosh it around the edges into a crust. Baked it at 350 F while making the cheese filling.
The recipe for graham cracker crust called for adding sugar, but that seemed ridiculous, so I ignored it.
The cheesecake filling was a mixture of whipped cream cheese, regular cream cheese, a bit of cottage cheese and 2/3 pound packet of "neufchatel" lowfat cream cheese. It was supposed to be one and a half pounds of cream cheese. I'm not sure how close I came to that amount.
The recipe's cup of sugar seemed too much, so I added about 4/5 cup.
Then whipped it all together with the marvelous Kitchenaid mixer (so happy to have purchased one at last!)
I added the 3 "large" eggs, one at a time like the instructions said.
The recipe called for almond or vanilla extract. Almond sounded better, but I couldn't find any, so added vanilla. Then a dollop of real maple syrup.
Blended it so that it was mixed and poured it into the pie plate. Turned the oven temp up to 400 F. Baked about 40 minutes.
It came out light, fluffy, kind of like a cheese souffle.
And what remained was still good days later when taken out of the fridge.
Definitely didn't need a sour cream topping. Would be a nice thing to take to a party.
Friday, March 26, 2010
improvements needed on facebook (or whatever replaces it)
- Allow me to filter out the Virtual World games
- As soon as you add a friend, you should be prompted for the name of a group.
- Margie's Movie and TV Discussions
- Guinea Pig willing to read Story Drafts
- Tell me about the kids. Photos please.
- All the minutiae about your day, really.
- Issues relating to our town's public schools
- People who might buy my sculptures
I want to know how you are doing. I don't care about your virtual farm or mafia world.
Everyone is not the same sort of friend. "Friends" belong to different interest and social groups. I like hearing about all my facebook friends. I don't need to remind those in California to go to our town meeting. There are friends to whom I'd like to chat about a Tim Burton-esque moment, and many facebook "friends" whom I would not want to bother with that stuff.
Thus whatever replaces facebook will be something with a natural easy interface for adding friends to appropriate groups, and easily sending messages to groups. Some "friends" would be in several groups, of course.
I should be able to sort them into privately decided on groups. I should also be able to define public names for groups into which my "friends" can sort themselves. All of this should be extremely easy to do and not require me to read directions as to how to do it. It must be intuitive.
When you "confirm" someone as a friend, you should get a popup asking what publicly-defined groups you'd like to be in. For example:
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Democracy makes 49% mad
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Notes on Boskone panel: The Heroine's Journey
Archtypical Joseph Campbell, orphaned baby, foster parents, journey to end in becoming Wise Old King.
Real people make things for work and find a partner and have kids.
Getting Back what you lost.
Isis: Putting pieces of a man together so you can have a baby.
Greer: Girls in labyrinths. Eilonwy and her bauble.
LeGuin's Tahana irritated other writers to write better. Wizard of Earthsea vs Tombs of Ituan.
Theme of Escaping constricting female role.
Bujold: Women inherit from mother-in-law. Go out and stay out.
Ista was stuck back at home. At 40 she tries again.
Bujold was given credit for writing about a middle aged woman. Someone in the audience remembered a crack about a 50-year-old heroine entering a dragon's lair: Is it hot in here or is that just...
Bujold: Women attract men. Men defeat other men and get the woman automatically. That's why men and women are both looking at men.
Bujold: Not just the guy's story and flip it. What is woman's power?
Janet Kagan's Mirabile.
Goddesses Priestesses figures, mother role.
Nanny Ogg - Middle Aged.
Demeter--Balbo lifts skirts and dances to make Demeter laugh.
Writing a Woman's Life.
Christopher Broockmeyer's tale of an Action-Adventure Grandmom: All Fun and Games
the best quote I heard at Boskone 2010
That humans will be here in a million years is kind of depressing. There should be something much better around that we made or that we became.It reminded me of how we tell our kids we want them to be better than us, not take after us.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Rafi on the Boskone Badge
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Edgy Mr Ed
"Mr Ed, a talking horse. A kid's show in prime time," I said, but then amended, "No. It was suitable for kids, but it wasn't a kid's show. Because Mr Ed wasn't about a talking horse. It was about a man who was frustrated with his wife and his small town middle class life. His wife thinks he's a dolt, but he has this talking horse like a superman secret identity superpower."
"I never thought of it that way," said my husband. "He is frustrated with his wife--he probably married her straight out of high school. The horse is his superman alter-ego. That would be how to remake the show. Have Wilbur be obviously psychotic, with Mr Ed just talking in his mind."
That led to whether Slaughterhouse Five should be interpreted as literal science fiction time travel, or as the character being psychotic, or as Magical Realism.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Someone needs to reinvent galoshes.
The old galoshes and rubbers were difficult to remove. And they acquired a hopelessly un-Cool reputation. Someone is going to re-invent galoshes, make them Cool, and make lots of money.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Arisia 2010
Ro helped Rafi with her Kamikazi Kids Pink Sparkle French Princess costume.
Pie helped Zoe with her Kamikaze Kids Phoenix costume.